10 best One Piece characters to cosplay

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To say that Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece is massive would be an understatement. Spanning over 1000+ anime episodes and 1000+ manga chapters across 106 volumes, it is one of the longest-running series globally. Needless to mention, a series this enormous features a vast array of characters.

Given how popular cosplaying is in the anime community, it is obvious that fans would attempt to re-create the looks of these characters. But among so many unique personas, which ones would be best to emulate?

One Piece: 10 best characters to cosplay as

1) Uta

Uta appeared in the recent film, One Piece: Red, as the main antagonist and then made her anime debut in episode 1082. She is a renowned singer/”diva” and the daughter of Shanks. Until he left her, she acted as a musician in his crew. Left behind on Elegia, Gordon posed as her foster parent and supported her dream of ushering in a “New Era.”

Her outfit looks fairly simple to piece together. However, her hairstyle could be another story. Achieving the look might prove to be a bit challenging but when done correctly, can produce amazing results.

2) Silvers Rayleigh

Alias “The Dark King,” Silvers Rayleigh is a highly skilled and powerful retired swordsman who once served as first mate for the Roger Pirates and the Right Hand of the Pirate King. Following the break up of the crew and Gol D. Roger’s execution, he stepped down and chose to become a mechanic at the Sabaody Archipelago. A Straw Hat supporter, he also mentored Luffy in the use of Haki.

His is a fairly simple outfit to pull off and one that would look majestic, much like Rayleigh himself. Adding a sword and a flask could be the cherry on the top when it comes to this cosplay choice.

3) Brook

“Soul King” Brook is an important member of the Straw Hats. He serves as the Grand Fleet’s musician, one of their two swordsmen, and is a Senior Officer. Brook joined the crew at the end of the Thriller Bark Arc. Consuming the Yomi Yomi no Mi resurrected him once and upon tapping deeper into its powers, he gained the ability to control his own soul as well as those of others.

This is a bit of a trickier outfit to compile, given the detailing of his skull and bony arms and legs. However, when put together, cosplayers posing as One Piece‘s “Soul King” will impress wherever they go.

4) Boa Hancock

Captain of the Kuja Pirates, “Pirate Empress” Boa Hancock was the only female Warlord of the Sea. Presently, she heads the Amazon Lily as the “Snake Princess” and rules over the Kuja Tribe alongside her sisters. She was kidnapped, tortured, and force-fed the Mero Mero no Mi, which allows her to turn both living and lifeless objects into stone.

Boa Hancock is celebrated among One Piece fans. Sporting a couple of different looks throughout the series, she is mostly seen in a pink-themed outfit. For this character, details are what matter when cosplaying and each cosplayer can add their own touch to really bring her to life.

5) Nico Robin

Daughter of Nico Olvia, Nico Robin, also known as “Devil Child” and “Light of the Revolution,” is the Straw Hats’ archaeologist and a Senior Officer of its Grand Fleet. Her Devil Fruit, Hana Hana No Mi, allows to replicate her body parts (or entire body) on any surface at will.

Prior to joining the Straw Hats, she served as the secondary antagonist of the Arabasta Saga. She aims to find the Rio Poneglyph, which tells the true history of the world, specifically the Void Century. Nico Robin has a variety of looks and each one depicts a different timeframe. The highlight of her cosplay are her high heels, an accessory she seems extremely fond of.

6) “Red- Haired” Shanks

Popularly known as “Red Hair,” Shanks is the Chief of the Red Hair Pirates and one of the Four Emperors of the New World. He served as an apprentice in the Roger Pirates alongside Buggy, and later formed his own crew after Roger’s death. Shanks was Luffy’s inspiration in becoming a pirate and gifted him his famous Straw Hat (which once belonged to Gol D. Roger himself).

Cosplaying One Piece‘s Shanks will forever be iconic among the anime and manga community. His simple yet intimidating look, bolstered by his facial scars, is a daunting combination to pull off.

7) Vinsmoke Reiju

Vinsmoke Reiju or “Poison Pink” is the eldest child of the Vinsmoke Family. She is also the Princess of the Germa Kingdom and commands its millitary army (Germa 66). Reiju allied with the Straw Hats during the Whole Cake Island Arc.

“Poison Pink’s” outfit seems to be extremely popular among female cosplayers, with each one adding their own individual touch to the character. Her dress, cape, earmuffs and hair are fairly simple to emulate. The unique bit about her outfit is choice of footwear, i.e., her boots.

8) Nami

Navigator of the Straw Hats, “Cat Burglar” Nami was the second member to join Luffy’s crew. Orphaned at a young age, she was taken in by Bell-mère. Initially, she joined the Straw Hats, intending to rob them and buy back her village from Arlong. She properly joined them only after they defeated Arlong. She aims to chart the entire world.

As one of One Piece‘s main characters, Nami has shown off a number of outfits. Each one is unique to the arc she appears in. Cosplayers have countless options when she is the subject.

9) Sanji

Vinsmoke Sanji or “Black Leg” Sanji serves as the cook for the Straw Hats. One of the Senior Officers of the Grand Fleet, he joined Luffy’s crew after the Baratie Arc. The third son and fourth child of the Vinsmoke Family, Sanji fled from them early on and was taken in by Zeff as the Baratie sous chef.

Later, he would join the Straw Hats after meeting Luffy. One-third of the “Monster Trio,” he aims to find the rumored chef’s paradise, All Blue. Vinsmoke Sanji’s iconic outfit is his sharp black suit. Throughout One Piece, he too sports many looks but the suit is a favorite among fans.

10) Monkey D. Luffy

One Piece‘s main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, stands as founder and captain of the Straw Hats and their most powerful fighter. Inspired by Shanks to take to the seas, he aims to find the treasure left by Gol D. Roger and thus become Pirate King.

Son of Monkey D. Dragon and grandson of Monkey D. Garp, he consumed the Gomu Gomu No Mi Devil Fruit which turned his body into rubber. At this point, Luffy might be one of the most popularly cosplayed characters. His look, a red sleeveless top, blue shorts, slippers and a hat, is simple to pull off and yet very prominent.

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